Best of British

Earlier this week, The Guardian revealed that the fastest-growing market for British TV shows was China. Among the favourites were The Great British Bake-Off, The Cube and Julian Fellowes’ Upstairs, Downstairs rip-off homage, Downton Abbey. OK, over the years there have been some serious corkers on our TV screens – so we’re going to look at some of the best shows which are, quintessentially, British.

Life on Mars

Life on Mars features a time-travelling cop who wakes up after being mown down, only to find it’s 1973 again. Don’t you hate it when that happens? There’s some awesome interplay between John Simm’s modern-day policeman going up against loveable old-school copper Gene Hunt. The music rocks, the social commentary works, and the sets really do make it seem like the 70’s never went away. Life on Mars couldn’t be set anywhere else but Britain. I mean, the Yankees tried to remake the show. It bombed. Quelle surprise.

Sherlock Holmes

You can keep your Benedict Cumberbatch and your groovy special effects. Sure, Sherlock is an awesome show, but for a truly authentic British drama, check out Jeremy Brett in Sherlock Holmes. The episodes faithfully recapture not just the original Conan Doyle stories, but also the spirit of Victorian England. But it’s Brett who seriously shines as the violin-fiddling, opium-chewing Great Detective. When the world’s about to end and we all waste time asking who the definitive Holmes is, Brett will win by a long margin.


Blackadder. Just the mere mention of his name is enough to bring a smile to the face, and a witty metaphor to the lips. Written by the once-funny Richard Curtis and Ben Elton, Blackadder is about as funny as a large man riding a small dog down a very steep hill while dressed as a clown. The show was a school-boy romp through British history, from medieval  times right up to the First World War, via the Elizabethan and Georgian ages. Like all great British comedy, such as Yes, Minister, it relied on clever word-play, slapstick humour and some very cunning plans to create a timeless – and timelessly brilliant – British sit-com. And the series finale was voted one of the top ten TV moments.

Whatever British TV shows you’re hooked on, make sure you’ve got a great television to watch them on. Here at Electronic World we offer some spiffing cheap TV sets, so you can start watching sooner! Just browse our website to check out our range, or contact us on 0121 327 3273 where our staff will be glad to assist you.

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